Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Phabulous Phoenix

I had the pleasure this weekend to visit Phoenix, Arizona where my long-time friend Erin and my cousin Hollie live. It was so good to see them both. I hadn't seen Hollie in a couple of years and I think the only time I've ever seen her husband, Jared, was at their wedding. They recently had a new addition to their family, and it was so much fun to see them all. Once I figure out how to use this thing I'll post pictures. Their little girl is adorable and their new little boy is just precious. We spent a few hours eating and talking and catching up. I love Hollie. It was so good to see her and her family.

Erin and I have been friends since the 7th grade and since we've been "adults" we haven't spent a lot of time together. We'll get together when we happen to be in San Marcos at the same time, but that's usually only for an hour or two once a year. So to spend three full days with her and her too-cute-for-words daughter was a real treat. We spent a lot of time talking and shopping and trying to tackle some of life's challenges. We didn't solve the world's problems or anything, but it was sure nice to have someone to talk to and to try and be there for a friend. As crazy as it sounds, sometimes I forget how important friends are. I feel like my life is good, but ordinary. My job doesn't really change, I don't have kids, my marriage is "normal"...I feel like I don't always have a lot to talk about. And that often prevents me from calling up friends, because I don't always feel like I have a whole lot to say. But I love my friends and I realized this weekend that I need to keep in touch better. Even if I don't have a lot going on, I like to hear everything that's going on in my friends' lives. And if I can help out even a smidgeon of a bit...I want to.

Anyways...hopefully this works. This is my first attempt at posting something to my blog...so wish me luck!


Heather said...

I am so glad you started a blog! I love keeping in touch with people. And I loved what you wrote. Friends are so important and I think we all take that for granted sometimes, either we feel like we don't have much to share, or sometimes we feel like we have TOO much to share, but it shouldn't matter. A friend is a friend, even if you just sit around and talk about celeb gossip, or make up fun names for each other.


Kelley said...

Nice blog!!! Keep up the good work!

Hollie said...

Yay! I am so glad you're blogging now, it's such a great way to keep in touch. I loved seeing you this weekend. Thanks so much for coming to our house it was a lot of fun.

Erin said...

Wonderful blog!!!! I had such a great time with you!! Thanks for the kind words!! I am so grateful for your friendship and hope to make more trips back and forth to see eachother! Love ya girl!!

Heather said...

LOVE THOSE BOOKS!!! I read all 3 within like 3 weeks. They are so very addictive!!!

A Healthier Alicat said...

Hello my sweetie pie! I know what you mean about keeping up with friends! GUILTY! I seems like life either gets in the way, or nothing exciting is happening worth mentioning. Oh well, we always have fun when you guys come out. You coming for Christmas? :)I really am glad that we have remained friends after all these years! (carrot) Love you, Alicat

Alexandra said...

Great to hear from you again. It's unbelievable that we keep in touch since 21 years.
I still remember that I also met your cousins Heather and Hollie at Rancho Corrido during this eastern time a long time ago.
I hope to see you again soon.