Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dinner at Valley of Fire

For Mother's Day Rhett and I met up with the rest of his family at Valley of Fire and had a great dutch oven dinner. Before dinner we hiked around the area and climbed around the rocks. I found out that some of my nieces and nephews are part mountain goat. They had no problems picking out the tallest rocks around and figuring out a way to get up there.

This is Allison, my 4 year old niece. She was fearless when it came to climbing.

Me and my babe.

I had to post this because of the brilliancy of the rock color. This has not been enhanced...that's how it actually looks.

This is my newest nephew, Josh. He spent the entire time we were eating with his foot in his mouth. It was so cute. I wish I were that flexible.

This is my mother-in-law, Welene and my niece Elaina. The picture just turned out so cute of the two of them.


Kristina P. said...

Beautiful shots! I love your coloring. You have such beautiful skin and hair.

Hollie said...

What a fun idea and great pictures. I can't believe that rock your 4 year old niece climbed, that's amazing to me!