Monday, February 22, 2010

President's Day Weekend

For President's Day weekend we went to Dumont. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. Seriously. Couldn't have been better. Which is good, 'cuz our heater broke and if it were any colder at night I couldn't have handled it. Luckily being preggo I like it much cooler. While Rhett slept with three blankets I had one, and put a second one on in the middle of the night.

Although the weather was perfect, the sand dunes were all tore up from the rain we had earlier in the week. That means I didn't go on a single ride. Not cool. But I was still surrounded by great friends and we chilled outside in the gorgeous weather.

Here's a picture of my friend Krista, who came out for a couple of days, holding Bolt.
Isn't he cute?

Rhett sportin' a purple balloon:

Caden with a sucker:

And my favorite...Dave makin' bubbles. I was taking pictures of the kids hitting the pinata and noticed half way through that Dave was over there making bubbles...for nobody but himself. It was the funniest thing. He was totally in his own little world.
Ha Ha Ha...he cracks me up.


Hollie said...

Sorry you weren't able to go out on a ride, but glad you had fun anyway. I miss the dunes.

Rawson Family said...

This was a fun weekend (even if it started bad).I'm sad that you didn't get to go out, I can totally understand what a bummer it is.
Love the pictures, so cute always are!