Thursday, November 11, 2010


The other day I was thinking about babies and just how magical they are. Even when Chase is up at two in the morning I love just holding him. And when he's in his Exer Saucer and playing with his toys, it's truly magical watching him learn and figuring things out. After having this thought the other day, I then had a little conversation with myself about the magic of babies and wondered when the magic fades. Does it disappear when they hit the terrible twos? When they go to school? When they become teenagers? And then an amazing thought occurred to me. Perhaps it NEVER fades. Maybe your children seem magical forever. Because they're always learning and growing and I'm sure they're just as exciting when they're 30 as when they're babies. And that was kind of a cool concept, 'cuz it made me think that maybe my mom and dad still feel that way about me. And if they feel that way about me...just think how Heavenly Father feels about each of us! I bet he gets so excited seeing us learn and grow and develop. And if he feels a smidgen for me the way I feel about my little man, then he loves me a lot! And that makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.


Kristina P. said...

Magic, or homicidal? :)

Laura L. said...

Thanks, Jen, for that post. It was inspiring. And I have to say I agree with you on how Heavenly Father feels about us when we learn something new, or better ourselves or others. It's a wonderful thing! I'll have to get back to you on the magic of having a child of my own...

Katie Morgan said...

I loved this post! Yes they truly are magical!