Is there anyone out there who doesn't vaccinate their children? I've been researching this for the last couple of years and I just can't bring myself to do it. It seems like he's more likely to be harmed from the vaccine than he is to get whatever the vaccine protects against. And have you read the ingredients in these vaccines? Formaldehyde, Mercury, Polysorbate 80...half of the ingredients have been linked to cancer, improper brain development, neurological disorders, etc. What is a mom to do?
It's not like I think he's going to have some major issue...the chances are small. But if it's a 1 in 200 chance that he suffers an adverse reaction from the vaccine and a 1 in 500 chance that he actually gets Hepatitis, Polio, etc., it just doesn't make sense to play the odds. Especially because vaccine reactions can be just as bad as the diseases themselves.
What are your thoughts? Has anyone done research on the subject?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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I don't have kids, and haven't done thorough research, but I firmly believe in vaccines. I know that there are certain contagious diseases that are making their way again. We had lots of cases in Utah of whooping cough and several babies died.
But I also know it's a very personal decision.
You have to do what you feel is right, as long as the decision is made on education, not fear, which is what I feel like lots of the articles I read were, or disproved later by actual science. Good luck in your decision! I vaccinate and am married to a scientist, so probably a little more biased :)But either way I respect people with the decisions they make!
I think all Mom's have done the research. No one just goes into anything blindly when it comes to their children. I personally hate the idea of having to vaccinate, when Blaise got his MMR shot, he had a very adverse reaction, and because of it, he has lasting effects of it. His doctor recommended that he not get any more shots until he was older. We waited, at 5, he got all his shots and he did not have the same reaction. All of my kids are vaccinated, but I did wait to do their MMR's until they were 5. It was a personal decision on my part that we made, along with our doctor. ALthough I don't like it, I do see the need for it, and the research is there to support it. It's one of those things where in the end you'll find they do more good than harm. Especially when you go to enroll them in school!!!
I have done my fair share of research because my 12 year old nephew has autism. We think that he was born with autism, but I know some people who are convinced that the MMR vaccine was the reason for their child developing autism. Also, in May of 2009 I had a hepatitis B vaccine and I had an adverse reaction. The hep B vaccine consists of a 3 dose series given over a 3 month period. All the experts told me that my reaction was in my head, so I waited and then had my second in August of 2009. I had an almost immediate and worse reaction to my second shot, and my doctor advised me not to have my 3rd shot because my reaction would be even worse. My side effects were fatigue, dizziness, foggy head, and shortness of breath. It took me almost 7 months to feel relatively normal again. Sometimes I still get shortness of breath, but it doesn't happen very often. The thing about it was that nobody could do anything for me. It was as though I was making it up...very frustrating! I called the CDC and the girl didn't seem concerned and told me as long as I didn't go into anaphylactic shock that they were not concerned. It was super comforting!
With all this being said, I have had Madison vaccinated. However, I spread the vaccinations out and you can opt out of some. I only let them give two vaccinations at a time, and you should always ask how many vaccines are in the shot they are giving. A lot of vials have 2 vaccinations in them, but they don’t really tell you that. They give the Hepatitis B vaccine to babies hours after being born, and I seriously disagree with that. I didn’t even know Madison had receive the vaccine until they discharged me and gave me her vaccine sheet. Why does an infant need a Hep. B vaccine hours after being born? Also, there are many new vaccines that we never had, like chicken pox, heap, and hep B. I waited for Madison to get the Hep. A vaccine until she was 3. I just feel like they try to shove too much in too fast! I did take a microbiology class and it was helpful to learn why these vaccines are important in eradicating serious diseases like whooping cough (pertusis) and polio. My micro teacher was very pro vaccine. Her take on the mercury issue was that the levels in the vaccines are too low to cause harm. Although, it is common knowledge that mercury in high enough levels causes neurological effects on the brain. Anyways, I could go on and on…. In the end, you just need to do what you feel is right for you and your child. I know whooping cough is on the rise again, and that is a very nasty disease especially for infants. My thought is that you probably don’t need to give your little guy all of the vaccines, but in my opinion some of them are essential!
Sorry for such a long post! I’m slightly passionate when it comes to this discussion! : )
I have been anal about getting Parker his shots. I never did any research on them but I felt like it was important that he get them. It's either now or ALL when he starts school. I've know a few people who have had schools not let kids start because they aren't vaccinated. Everyone that I know of that have vaccinated their kids haven't had any problems. You might get an occasional fever or get sick for a day or two but nothing long term. Good luck with your decision!!
That's a tough one Jen. I'm that way with the flu shots. Let God lead you on this one.
I'm pretty opinionated on this subject. I've read a lot and asked a lot of questions. I refuse to do any vaccinations until after my kids are 2 years old. Because the brain is more fully developed. Then I do them all but separate them by at least 6 months regardless if the doctor says come back in 6 weeks for the next set.
You just have to do what you are comfortable with. Good Luck! It's one of the hard parts of being a mom.
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