Friday, January 28, 2011


I don't know about you, but I've heard a million different remedies for getting rid of hiccups. Some of them work some of the time, but I've never known one that works every.single.time. So yesterday at work I got the hiccups and a new co-worker says she knows a trick that works every.single.time. So then it kind of became a challenge. But guess what? It totally worked! So I've only tried it once, but I figured y'all could try it and let me know if it was just coincidence or if it really works.

It sounds kind of weird. And you need a friend that you can trust. Get a glass of water. If you're the one with the hiccups, plug both of your ears (with your fingers). Then have your friend give you some water to drink. This is where the trust thing comes in to play. You want someone who will actually give you a drink of water and not try and make you chug the whole glass. She said you just drink as much as you can, but I barely got anything to drink and it still worked. THAT'S IT! Just take a drink of water with your ears plugged. They were gone.

Have you heard of that? I never had. But I like it. It's something easy for kids to do as well.


Kristina P. said...

Never heard of it! I will definitely try this the next time I get hiccups.

Starla said...

I have never tried it but I will keep in mind the next time I get the hiccups.

jori-o said...

Yes, I've known this for a long time and I've never seen it NOT work. Sometimes you have to do the ear plug/drink thing more than once for a stubborn case, but in my experience, it has always been successful. But to eliminate some of the trust issues, YOU drink the water and have someone else just cover your ears *tightly*. I can't tell you how handy this was in school when a kid would get the "noisy" hiccups. I always sent them to the drinking fountain with a partner and VOILA! gone.

Unknown said...

Yes, it works for us! And if you're alone, you can drink while the upper half of your body upside down. I take as much water as I can hold in my mouth, bend over as much as possible and basically touch my toes, then swallow the water in 3 or 4 swallows and poof! Gone, but the way you said does work more reliably.

Joy said...

...Or drinking from the other side of the glass? I remember that one. For me, all it resulted in was lots of choking. :(

Anonymous said...

my sure fire hiccup cure is a spoonful of peanut EVERYTIME! :)