Tuesday, October 7, 2008


My mom calls me many times throughout the week. It's usually around 7:45 am while she's on her way to work. If I'm busy at work I'll usually call her back and if I have a minute we'll chit chat until she arrives at her destination. I noticed this morning that I missed a call from her, so I called her back and was shocked when she switched phones and started speaking in a low voice. I knew it was something important and something that she didn't want anyone else at her work hearing. My heart kind of skipped a beat--fearing something had happened to someone. She then started out talking about having a family fast this weekend---my heart really started beating faster. I was scared that my dad was doing worse than he lets on or something had happened to my grandparents. Then she finished the thought by asking if I would be okay with the family fasting for Rhett and me this weekend. Huh? I have to admit, I was a bit shocked. Okay, I was REALLY shocked. I don't know if it's the fact that the whole getting pregnant thing has been out of our control or if it's more of an affirmation that there's a problem, but it kinda makes me sad. I should be happy that we're enlisting the help of the Lord in this matter, but for whatever reason I'm kinda freaked out. To have that many people fasting and praying for me seems crazy. I feel like there are so many other people who need the help more than we do. But I'm also very humbled that she (and my mother-in-law as well) were inspired to suggest it. So since all of my blogger friends are LDS, I ask that if you feel so inclined, fast and pray with us this Saturday-Sunday. I don't even really know what to pray for. Is that strange? I obviously want to get pregnant, but maybe that's not in the cards for me. So then would I be asking for that in vain? Perhaps I need to ask for inspiration...whether to adopt or see a specialist or change my diet? I feel completely overwhelmed at this point. And to know that so many people are going to be fasting and praying and thinking about it kinda puts a little more pressure on to get pregnant. But I obviously would have done that by now if I could. I would appreciate any thoughts that any of you might have to offer.


HammondFam said...

Fasting is an amazing blessing. I have a deep love of fasting and prayer - combined the two are so powerful. You are so lucky and blessed to have people in your life that love you so much they are willing to put you ahead of themselves - what an awesome mom and family you have! I know with sincere prayer and a complete fast that you will receive the answer(s) you and Rhett are looking for. I would love to fast on your behalf this weekend. I hope you know how much your Father in Heaven loves you.

RC said...


Hollie said...

Jared's parents once informed us that they had fasted on our behalf for Jared to find a job. I was so touched that someone would think to fast for me since for some reason I don't usually even think to do it for myself. We love you guys and would love to participate in a family fast.

Anonymous said...

Ryan and I would love to participate in a fast for you and Rhett. I hadn't decided on something to fast on for this month anyway, so thanks for making the decision so easy. : )

Also, I don't think asking to get pregnant would be in vain. If that is your heart's desire, then I think it should be expressed to Heavenly Father through prayer, in conjunction with fasting. That is the most powerful form of supplication, in my opinion.

We love you guys and pray that whatever is the Lord's will for you as a couple will be made evident soon.

(Wow, that was long-sorry for the novel, Jen!)

Heather said...

I'm sorry I'm so late to comment on this, we were having some technical difficulies this past week.

You are always in my prayers and I would love to join the family fast. We should do family fasts more often!! Your Mom is so inspirational and thoughtful. I know you feel weird about it, but blessing DO come from fast and prayer, I KNOW they do, so don't feel weird about that. We love you and Jason and I will be thinking of ya this weekend.

Also, I'm so proud of you for doing that walk. I would love to do one soon too! I'm sorry I can't help contribute, things are tight right now, but know that I think you ROCK!!!!